Light-matter interaction in extreme conditions

We develop techniques, both analytical (QFT methods, varational ansatzs,…) and numerical (Matrix Product States,  Exact diagonalization, Machine Learning,…) to solve different problems in many body quantum mechanics. 

We focus on light-matter systems in extreme coupling regimes, non-linear quantum optics, topological models and magnetism driven by quantum light.  We are also developing quantum algorithms, so far adapted to molecular qudits, quantum many body physics and quantum machine learning tasks.

Our main goals are:

  • To understand which (and to what extent) matter properties are modified by the strong coupling to the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field.  Our calculations are also useful to design quantum-light emitters, nanophotonic devices or for building quantum information processors.
  • To figure out when and how current and future quantum processors can speed up useful computations.
  • Help the QMAD experimentalists with the goal of building a quantum processor based on molecular qubits.

contact: David Zueco (theory)