
Journal Club

This is a light format of conferences where our colleages  introduce different subjects in a relaxed way. Here you can find the list of conferences given in our Journal Club.

Quantum Tuesday

From astrophysics to artificial intelligence, Q-MAD’s Quantum Tuesday was a series of seminars organized by members of our group. Here you can find the list of talks (and slides) that took place between 2013 – 2021.

En ruta con la Ciencia

Our colleage Carlos Pobes presented a TV program on Aragón TV, entitled “En ruta con la ciencia”, where he toured the Aragonese geography looding for the best research of our scientists, presenting them in a simple and entretaining way.

Curso de Introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial

Artificial Intelligence has experienced a so extraordinary progress in recent years that it will be an essential skill of most professionals who will work in science and technology in the near future.

QMAD offers a course entitled Introduction to Artificial Intelligence as part of the “University, cultural and complementary activities” that the University of Zaragoza offers to its undergraduate students. The rudiments of different areas in Artificial Intelligence will be addressed in the course, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning and generative artificial intelligence.

* The official language will be Spanish